Tuesday 1203 hrs
From the time I was a child, I have had dreams that come true, and I have also
found out that everything I have been through in my life, God has sent someone my
way who is going through the same thing and I have been able to hold out my hand
and lead them across the long swaying bridge, to safety.
It is amazing that God chooses people to meet and become not only good
friends but extended family members. I have met so many people and i am also a
person who doesnt know a stranger. When my son or boyfriend sees me talking to
someone, They will ask me WHO IS THAT? then shake their heads and say ......
I KNOW .......... YOU DONT EVEN KNOW THEM.........
this is what makes life so interesting. my motto is LIFE IS TOO SHORT TO BE GRUMPY
and the truth is............ it is!!!!!!! I cannot imagine going through life being miserable.
i have always been a happy person, full of life and i love life. I have never had a desire to
do anything but do my best to live a good life, be there for those I love and being as honest
as i can be. I am not perfect, but since i was a child of thirteen yrs old i begin to watch people
and without judging, watched the lives of those i met and knew. I knew who i wanted to be like
and also knew who i didnt want to be like. It was fine for them but did not appeal to me.
I have always tried to be patient, caring, and through the years I have the urge that
drives me to always being a caretaker to those around me.
I am very tired and will have to finish sometime when i wake later in the morning
Have a blessed day and I thank God for his hand upon my life