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Tuesday, September 11, 2012

I Did Not Walk Alone

Friday September 7th 2012
  Eric and I ran errands,  our first stop Applebee's,  I asked him not to get the wheelchair
out of  the trunk , I held his hand walked into Applebee's without my walker
without my wheelchair. :D yeeeaaaahhhh :D  First time walking in Public. 
I am still shaky, my leg and body get tired,  he held my hand when I went to the 
ladies room, waited on me, walked me back to our booth.  
  Our next appt was the chiropractor :D  for the first time I walked in holding erics
hand and no wheelchair, no walker.  It felt so good.  After that I had to use the 
wheelchair, I did not have the stamina to walk around Sears or HHGREGG.

   When I walk around the house it takes me a few days to get  my strength back.
I am soooooo looking forward to being able to walk and have the strength to keep 
going.  I cannot wait ( although ) I must :D to be able to walk around Sears,  walk
in and out of grocery stores, Most of all I cannot wait to start, driving..... oh my gosh 
that will be a big thrill for me...   I have not driven since February 5th 2012.

  wow almost one year.  I do not and will not drive until I can get control over my right 
leg and foot. As of now it gets caught on the wheels, it gets stuck under the sinks when I 
am washing my hands or washing dishes, we have that little gap underneath. 
when I am standing there,  I dont even realize it has moved under the gap. 
 Once I gain controlthen I will feel safe to drive.  :D  

 Never give up.....   :D  always be determined,  
have ambition, determination, tenaciousness,  :D  always do your best.  No one 
can do these things for you. It is not easy,  It will be hard but it is a challenge and every 
day we face a challenge, every day we conquer them,  most of the time we don't even 
realize we are facing these challenges.
   YOU CAN DO IT  :D  

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Walking In My Time

    Today is the first day of the rest of my life.  :D
I was able to walk all over the house last Sunday.  The rest of the Week my leg would not 
hold me up,  I was not able to walk  : -(   how frustrating.  I did not give up, I kept 
working on it and I am so grateful that I have so many people who support me.  My husband
and my mother kept asking me .......  You walked Sunday whey can't you walk again?  ......
My response was ... I don't know, I only know my knew wants to buckle.   I did not give up.
Today Brandon ( my Prosethist )  came.  I walked for him, he tightened the prosthetic around my 
knee. It feels better.  He also told me I was doing great and whatever I was doing to keep on
doing it.   This is so encouraging.  
    I will not give up and I will always encourage anyone who needs it. It is not just someone who 
cannot walk, cannot see,   This encouragement is and will be for anyone who needs to be lifted up.
Everyone has bad days, everyone needs encouragement sometime in their lives, everyone needs
support.   It is the support of friends and family that get people through their rough days, weeks,
months.  Alchoholics.  anyone with an additcion, or is in pain,  or just having a bad day .....
they / we need support.   
    Just knowing you are there is the most important thing. Truth is sometimes there is 
nothing you can say that will change things or even make them feel better at that time but
deep inside, knowing you are there is very very important......
  Hang in there if you are having difficulties or if you are the one who is giving the support.
Have a wonderful day,  someone is always watching over you and praying for you.
You are never alone.  

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Walking My Way

Finally  : D  
Sunday July 22nd 2012,  I took off walking.   I have been parking my wheel chair or walker
and walking safely to a counter top, the couch or something safe if I should fall.  :D    Sunday
I decided to forget my fears and wobbly legs and walk. I walked from the couch in the living room
to the cabinet in the kitchen, got a bowl out, walked to the stove ... placed dinner in the bowl, walked to the fridge and repeated this process for the veggies.  I could not wait for Eric to get home.
   When he did, I didnt say anything special, I waited.  When He was in the room in the back of the 
house,  I walked back to him.  :D  His back was too me, he commented on how he heard me coming,  
when he turned around I was standing right there in front of him.   He grabbed me, hugged and  we both came very close to crying.  He kept repeating........ I knew you could do it,  I knew you could do it...........  see I told you .... you could do it.  I knew I could and would.  It is scary when your leg is wobbly as I describe....... it feels like Bambi legs or Pinocchios legs when they first stood up.  :D
      Yesterday ( Monday ) I didn't walk as much I was pretty worn out from Sunday.  
NEVER EVER GIVE UP..............  
Praying everyone has a blessed day, be safe and always do your very best.  
Sending gentle hugs to all of those who are in pain....... Mentally, Physically or Spiritually

Monday, July 9, 2012

Good Morning :D  
   Today is monday July 9th 2012.  Outside it is beautiful,  with 50% chance of rain.
Five years ago I was told by my Dr that the reason my bones hurt especially bad that day
was due to the barometric pressure. When It is down it squishes our bones together..when it 
is high it stretches us almost like traction.  I decided to do my own study.  I got a small Journal
and every day I woke up I would write down how I felt then I would look up the baremetric 
pressure. I found that when it was 30.0 good, higher I felt better. When it would hit 
28.0 i was hurting and the lower it went the more I hurt.  
   In doing my research,  I found that even those who have no problems also would ache slightly
their mind would say.... hmmm wonder what I did to hurt ...... the ache was not bad .... just
annoying.  For those of us who have bone problems, arthritis, Osteo Arthritis,  deteriation of bones,
anything to do with the bones, we hurt so much more.  I did this for 6 months every single day.  
   I am a person who may believe what I am being told but I want to find out for myself. 
How does this work? why? what can I do? what can expect?  what should I do? 
what can I learn?   I have a few friends that call me the 
...TFKG......... THIRST FOR KNOWLEDGE GIRL..........  I really do. with all of my surgeries 
I do not retain as much as I use to or would like to.  I find this frutstrating.  It does not mean 
I am going to quit. :D  AW CONTRARE'  my friend,  I will continue to read, study, reread,
restudy,  and keep on keeping on :D .  I learned early in life .......

A WINNER NEVER QUITS AND QUITTER NEVER WINS............   how true this simple
quote is.   I always told my son to be the best he be, what ever he did, give his 100% it may not 
be as good as someone else's but it is his best and that is what is important.   

   When you wake up........ wake up with the attitude ..Today is the first day of the rest of your life.
It is a new day. Being honest will take care of all of the rest.  Your friends will find you trustworthy.
This is something that has to be earned, it does not come easy.  
    Have a wonderful day....... :D  I use to tell the kids in church....... as well as my son
when they were going through rough times....... PULL YOUR BOOT STRAPS UP AND 
KEEP ON GOING..........  NEVER GIVE UP :D.   they knew then and still know 20 yrs later
later I still love them.  Some call me momma Candy. This made me feel good since I moved from 
there in 1991.  Back then, no internet,  it costs too much to make long distance phone calls.  
I lost touch. I have to say Facebook brought us back together.  They are now grown up,
married, have children,  and some are grandparents.  
   I do not always wake up with a good day.  I am trying to strengthen my right leg so I can walk.
It was very weak throughout my life,  my left leg took the pounding, the brunt of all I did.
Now I need the strength to walk with my prosthetic.   As I have shown earlier in photos the 
deformity of my right leg and foot. It was not something I had decided to not use it. 
I broke it trying to land on it from jumping,  I am not complaining.  :D  I am just saying one 
last time........... I WILL NOT GIVE UP :D and neither should you.  
Have a wonderful day My friend

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

here are photos from my surgery,  my amputation, my new leg,  these photos are my leg when it was good and when I thought it was bad. The Dr's and the Nurses, all said even though it looked like 
it was opening up,  I was told this is normal and there was no infection,  :D  so dont panic when 
things just dont look quite right.  Dont get me wrong, notify your doctor or nurse, whoever is coming
to the house to help you.  They absolutely need to know. You need to take care of it, clean it and do 
what the Dr says. So many people do not listen to the DR then wonder why it isnt healing or why 
things arent going as they should.   

                                                     This photo has a sock on called a stump 
                                                     shrinker. it will help the stump to go from 
                                                    what you see below when it is larger to much

these next few photos are before the stump
shrinker. they will not place the stump shrinker
on until your staples are out and your leg is 
healed. No bleeding, no open wounds.

the next three are the times when I thought everything
was going bad on me. The DRs were not worried and 
told me all was ok. To me I thought my leg looked 
like it was getting infected. Thankfully the DRs said
no infection and it was healing nicely.  :D 

this is my arm, I have had enough surgeries and needles 
takeing blood that I know, when it bruises it is not 
because the nurse or drs did anything wrong
the bruising comes from blood leaking from the vein
under the skin.  In this case they had to take out the 
needle because the fluid was filling up under my arm. 
It became really puffy and that looked bad. :D  dont be
afraid to show the drs, the nurses and let them know
any thing you are not sure of,  it is much better to be 
safe than sorry.  


 Good Morning on the east coast of USA and the west coast of Florida :D
It is now a beautiful start of a new day and one I am Praying I can soon close my 
eyes to :D
     As usual I am not able to sleep.  For what ever reason I have been dealing with
not only sinuses but a torn up stomach.  I am beginning to believe it is due to 
me feeling like I have lost control of things.  
     I am not depressed or complaining.  I have been so overwhelmed with my house
not being in order. Our friend Dee graciously has been to our house to help us 
get organized. It has been so overwhelming for Eric and I.  
      For Eric, he inherited a home that needs lots of TLC,  his mother who passed away 
with breast cancer that spread to her bones, lymph nodes, and brain, was not thinking
clear in the last few years of her life. She became a hoarder.  I was doing great with getting 
the house in order when october 2006, I ripped every cartlidge and ligament in my left knee.
     Medicare didnt kick in until  July of 2007.  By then they were in bad shape.  This put me way
behind needless to say.  From then on it was 4 surgeries in one year, getting farther and 
farther behind in my house.  I have always been meticulous person, you could almost
eat of my floors. ( I wouldnt suggest it :D  we Have four cats whom we love dearly )
       Everything was in it's place.  This is six years later and for the past year and half
my walking kept getting worse by the day it seemed.  It was not life threatening,
but very much debilitating.  
       Now it is May 22nd 2012,  I have had my amputation,  I received my new leg
I am truly happy and excited about this day.  When Eric got home this evening
I showed him my leg, put it on and stood up and hugged him.  He almost cried
seeing me stand and hugged me tight.  It felt good.  I looked at him; smiled and said
"  I feel taller...... he laughed and said " YA THINK?  "   :D   I actually am 
because now with two legs I am able to stand up straight, and evenly. 
I usually write about all the good things and I am normally a very happy person.
I am still happy but today even with my leg, my stomach being so upset all the time 
lately, after a while this just gets old.  For three weeks now I have dealt with my 
sinuses, headaches, drainage, stuffy head.  Not enough sleep. What ever is going 
on gives me heartburn, soooooooo I decided to complain a little bit and get this 
off of my chest. 
      WE are human and every day is not going to be bright, sunny, cheerful,
 and happy.  We have days when things are rough and we have to get over them.  
Our attitude can make all of the differance in the world, on howwe recuperate, 
and deal with the things that life throws at us.  
       I don't care what you are going through, DO NOT GIVE UP, DO NOT BE 
DISCOURAGED,   one of the quotes I use alot is ...........
 we have all heard this but many times need to be reminded.  I am not a quitter
I am determined, I have ambition, I am tenacious,  I am me, and that is all I can be.
   Hang in there...............  you are allowed to feel down some days, the important thing is
remember to pull your boot straps up, and  keep on going.  Do not let...... your bad suck
you into a hole.  Dig out, climb the mountain, there is always a silver lining, beautiful 
clouds,  the sun is shining.  :D  I pray each of you have a great day and 
allow the best of you to come out each new day. Here is a photo fo my new leg :D I am 
thankful for Gods grace in allowing me the privelage of knowing the valleys as well
as the mountain tops.
Sincerly Candy
Sometimes Life Gets Rough
  My PT ( physical therapist ) came Thursday, we did the excercises, I told him
that Eric asked me to see my DR. because I had cried everyday for three weeks. 
By bedtime I was grabbing the bucket every night.  My Dr knows about my sons' 
passing away in 2010.  From March through June it is very difficult for me. 
He passed away March 8th, was buried on my birthday March 13th,  his 
birthday is April 19th,  May is Memorial Day, the  honoring of all our fallen 
officers and military people.  
   I also expected more out of my self and I push myself  150%, to do what I need 
to do. Learning to walk this time has been difficult.  I am older, My right 
leg has never had the strength like my left leg.  While trying to walk this time It is my 
right leg that I have to walk on.  
    Thursday after my PT ( physical therapist ) left, I was able to walk one step by myself.
I was so excited, I could not wait to tell Eric when he got home.  Once he was home
had eaten and relaxed a bit. :D  I told him to stand right there and watch.  I was 
able to walk five steps then grabbed his hands and told him not to move.  My right 
leg did all it could.  Brian my physcial therapist would always check the strength in 
my right leg and my right hip.  My hip is gaining strength, but my right leg is moving 
along much slower.  I have to keep working at it, kee pushing my self, keep on 
keeping on.  
    It doesnt matter what we are going through, we have to push on, we have to 
keep our confidence,  always believe in ourselves, and NEVER EVER GIVE UP!!
If we give up there it is harder to come back but DO NOT THINK FOR ONE MINUTE
that, this is an option.   
     I get tired, I become exhausted,  I get frustrated,  I also keep pushing myself, 
there is NO ONE else who can help me. I have to help myself.  
If it takes me one year to get get my strength in this right leg to walk then one year it will be
that does not mean I am going to give up nor will I slow down.  
   Life is way too short to be grumpy and way to short to stop trying

Thursday, May 17, 2012

A Once Unthinkable Choice for Amputees

A Once-Unthinkable Choice for Amputees

Josh Haner/The New York Times
Ann Kornhauser of Hicksville, N.Y., decided to lose more of her leg to benefit from a new high-tech prosthetic, a marvel of microprocessors.
Five years ago, on a muggy August morning in Hicksville, N.Y., Ann Kornhauser was out walking her golden retriever when bones in her left foot suddenly cracked. Ms. Kornhauser, then in her late 50s, soon learned why: doctors discovered a rare tumor in her foot. They amputated half of it.
Science Times Podcast
This Week: Bionic limbs; chimps with table manners; and sperm buyer beware.
 The Science Times Podcast

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The prosthetic foot she received afterward left her in constant pain; she often cried in her car after trips to the grocery store because she dreaded carrying the bags into the house. Her prosthetist offered a solution. Artificial limbs had greatly improved, he said, and she could benefit from one of the new high-tech models — but it would fit only if her left leg was amputated below the knee.
The idea of losing the rest of her leg, which was healthy enough, seemed preposterous and frightening. But after two years of discomfort, Ms. Kornhauser decided to do it.
“All my family said was, ‘You’re going to be sitting there without a leg.’ But they didn’t know what I knew,” she said. “I knew it was going to look like a leg and that people ran marathons on them. I knew that I would have a life.”
During a recent interview, the cheerful 63-year-old grandmother pulled up her gray slacks to reveal a prosthetic leg with a fleshlike surface and pedicured toes. Despite its realistic appearance, the leg, with a custom silicone skin and an ankle that can be adjusted for various heel heights, is a marvel of microprocessors, including motion sensors. “I was able to walk again,” she said. “And it looks real.”
Approximately two million people in the United States are living with amputations, according to the Amputee Coalition, a national advocacy group. But as artificial limbs are infused with increasingly sophisticated technology, many amputees are making a once-unthinkable choice. Instead of doing everything possible to preserve and live with whatever is left of their limbs, some are opting to amputate more extensively to regain something more akin to normal function.
Occasionally this choice is made by someone with a missing hand or arm. But more common are amputations below the knee, which permit patients like Ms. Kornhauser to take advantage of robotic and fleshlike prosthetics.
Bionic, or lifelike, prosthetics with custom skins, motors and microchips that replicate natural human motions are edging older models out of the market. The South African runner Oscar Pistorius, a double amputee, has even been accused of having an unfair advantage over competitors because he runs on J-shaped carbon fiber blades.
Amputees “are realizing they can do everything that they did before,” said Amy Palmiero-Winters, 39, a celebrated ultramarathon runner who lost her left leg in a motorcycle accident when she was 24. She now works at A Step Ahead, a Long Island prosthetics clinic. “They look at people today and see the different things that they’re doing and how it’s more out in the open and accepted.”
And not just accepted: While the loss of a limb remains a medical trauma, many amputees have come to embrace their bionic enhancements. Many “have little desire for the artificial limb to look human,” said Hugh Herr, who heads the biomechatronics research group at the Media Lab at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, which is developing wearable robotic devices. “They want it to look interesting and have a machine beauty.”
Regaining Active Lives
One day in the summer of 2003, David Rozelle, an Army captain, lay in a hospital outside Baghdad, his rightfoot mangled by a land mine. Doctors amputated it just above his ankle.
With an artificial foot, Captain Rozelle, who lives near Boulder, Colo., managed to regain part of his old life. He competed in triathlons and returned to duty in Iraq; he is now a major. But two and a half years after his amputation, he told his surgeon that he wanted nine inches of his leg removed so that he could benefit from a new below-the-knee prosthesis. His doctor was aghast.
“The medical community is focused completely on salvaging limbs,” said Major Rozelle, 39. “There’s actually a disadvantage to having extra limb length, because you can’t fit correctly into prosthetic devices.”
He had the operation and now owns several models of sophisticated robotic legs, which he uses for everyday activities and for his favorite sports, like skiing.
Many amputees opting for more extensive surgery are athletes like Major Rozelle hoping to regain active lives.
At 21, Tom White was run over by a truck while riding his motorcycle. His left foot was amputated and then reattached, something he said he “begged” his doctors to do. After 19 operations and two years on crutches, he walked with a limp but went on backpacking trips, ran marathons and generally tried to keep in shape and happy.
But as the years went by, the discomfort grew worse. Arthritis attacked his fused joints, and while there had always been pain when he ran, he simply couldn’t tolerate the new sharp pangs.
“The last couple of years, boy, my life started closing in on me because I couldn’t run anymore,” said Dr. White, 51, a family physician in Buena Vista, Colo. “It got so that doing something like taking a hike wasn’t fun anymore because it hurt too much.”
Dr. White had his left leg amputated just below the knee to get a sleek carbon-fiber foot. Three years later, he has started training for races again. “I made the decision to have an elective amputation so that I could have a chance to get back to my life,” he said. “It just dawned on me — the technology is amazing, and I would be better off.”
Amputees’ families, who are understandably worried and confused, are rarely as enthusiastic about the drastic procedures, however. For Michael LaForgia, it took a lot of persuading — and collecting the testimonies of other amputees who had done the same — to get his wife on board.
Mr. LaForgia, a marathoner and program manager for JPMorgan Chase in Smithtown, N.Y., contracted bacterial meningitis in 2005 and lost the toes of his left foot and the toes, heel and arch of his right foot. Doctors tried to rebuild the right foot with muscle removed from his back, but he couldn’t wear normal shoes, run, bike or continue coaching his children’s baseball and soccer teams. He was constantly hunched over.
Mr. LaForgia was “relieved and excited” to amputate his right leg a year and a half later to get a high-activity prosthesis. He later got a partial foot prosthetic with a running foot for his left. “I so much wanted to get rid of that foot, because it stood for everything I couldn’t do,” said Mr. LaForgia, 46. “I’ve got a $150 pair of Cole Haan shoes I can wear.”
Ever More Sophisticated
The technology in the newer prosthetics is moving rapidly ahead. Dr. Herr, the M.I.T. professor, has founded a startup called iWalk devoted to making next-generation prosthetics. The company’s first product, a bionic foot and ankle, resulted from careful modeling of the muscles, tendons and spinal reflexes used in human walking.
The foot can sense the actions of the wearer and the terrain on which the person is walking and adjust accordingly. Its microprocessors help coordinate reflexlike responses to the user’s motions, and its robotics simulate the action of missing calf muscles and Achilles tendons.
According to Dr. Herr, an amputee using the foot uses the same amount of energy while walking as someone with biological limbs — a first for a prosthesis. But it is not cheap — about $70,000. While insurers will pay for basic protheses, they generally do not pay for high-end artificial limbs like these.
And these devices are likely to become more sophisticated. At Johns Hopkins University, researchers financed by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency have been working to create new prosthetics for soldiers with upper extremity amputations. Until recently, most of them wore only a basic hook.
The goal is to build artificial limbs that resemble human arms in dexterity, strength, size and weight — and that veterans one day may control with their brains. The scientists plan to insert a small array of electrodes into the cortex, the brain’s top layer, or into peripheral nerves. The hope is that by capturing these nerve signals and transmitting them to an artificial limb, thought can be turned into motion. Hopkins researchers are even planning to test a limb that might allow amputees to feel pressure, heat and cold.
Intelligent artificial limbs like these are still years away, and it will be a long time before the Bionic Man or Woman is a reality. But the improving technology already has provided amputees with one invaluable benefit.
“I don’t feel ugly anymore,” Dr. White said. “I feel like a normal guy.”


Wednesday, May 9, 2012

“Promise Yourself

To be so strong that nothing
can disturb your peace of mind.
To talk health, happiness, and prosperity
to every person you meet.

To make all your friends feel
that there is something in them
To look at the sunny side of everything
and make your optimism come true.

To think only the best, to work only for the best,
and to expect only the best.
To be just as enthusiastic about the success of others
as you are about your own.

To forget the mistakes of the past
and press on to the greater achievements of the future.
To wear a cheerful countenance at all times
and give every living creature you meet a smile.

To give so much time to the improvement of yourself
that you have no time to criticize others.
To be too large for worry, too noble for anger, too strong for fear,
and too happy to permit the presence of trouble.

To think well of yourself and to proclaim this fact to the world,
not in loud words but great deeds.
To live in faith that the whole world is on your side
so long as you are true to the best that is in you. ”
― Christian D. Larson
tags: happiness , inspirational , love , optimism , strength 1,181 people liked it like

“It is good to love many things, for therein lies the true strength, and whosoever loves much performs much, and can accomplish much, and what is done in love is well done.”
― Vincent Willem van Gogh
Could a greater miracle take place
than for us to look through each other's eyes for an instant?
- Henry David Thoreau

Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.
- Philo

It is my choice to care deeply about others.
No kindness is too small to be important -
the smile to the bank teller,
the sincere "thank you" for all kindnesses received,
the reassuring hand on the shoulder of a loved one or friend.
There is compassion in selfless generosity,
but there is also compassion in heartfelt empathy.
- Jonathan Lockwood Huie

Monday, May 7, 2012

Hi Everyone :D 
   I had the most amazing day.  Poor Eric called off, he has not been feeling 
good all week.  Sinuses really had him down.  I begged him :D to please 
get me out of the house while he is home today to relax. It seems the only time
i get out is to grocery shop. :D   He did, we went to early brunch at IHOP he craves
their  stuffed  french toast with strawberries or blueberries :D. As we were coming to the door, a waitress was holding the door open for us, had a table and also had a chair pulled out for me. 
    While I was in IHOP, just before we left I went to the restroom,  it was a tight squeeze
a young lady was in there that i saw her come in the door, Shantelle, :D  she looked like someone who had alot on her mind. I liked her shirt she had on, I thought she was 
a pretty girl.  In the restroom I was going in she was coming out,  she held the door for me and of course I thanked her. I had a hard time getting into the stall because it was not big at all,  she asked if she could help I thanked her and said I appreciate it but I can do it  :D and smiled at her.  she continued to want to help me,  of course with me, we got to talking. I found out she was from Vermont and they own a family business a Mattress company.  Her and her husband are here, because her mother just got out of the hospital with a quadruple bi pass and her mothers friend was now in the hospital for the same reason.  She said they got in town, went straight to the hospital,  then came 
to IHOP to eat.... she said they have not even had a shower yet.  She asked me about my leg, I told her what happened and that anytime you have things come your way,
God has a reason for everything. Many times it is painful. I have learned that everything I have ever been through in my life, God has sent someone to me that is going through the same thing.  I told her about the passing of my beautiful son. How my heart still breaks today. I have to go on, and it is only through the Grace of God, having 
determination, ambition, tenaciousness, and attitude that allowed me to get through
these things to help others.  I told her about the my websites, gave her my name and 
email.  I also said if there is one person who is helped reading my blogs that I have done for therapy. It is worth it. .......... NO I wish I would never know what it is like to 
lose a child, have him buried on my birthday, one month after valentines day.
   My heart is still breaking. It is only through God I am able to do this. 
Shantelle cried I cried. We didnt boo hoo hard but tears were in our eyes. 
We hugged and she told me her daddy was a minister and everything, that has happened to her,  God has been directing her and guiding her in a certain path.
  She thanked me and It was an honor to meet her. I am praying for her and her family
they are going through alot , God will see her through. :D
    After that we went to tarpon springs. I love it there.  If you go  on a day when
it is not full of tourist like today.... Monday/// :D  it was mainly the locals.  We went into shops and believe me it is not easy, Eric  pushed me all over the place got me in little doors and 
close corners.  We bought a few things, we didnt spend alot of money but I did
Meet Bonnie a waitress when we went into Mama's  Greek Cafe'  :D   
Somehow we got to talking and of course I gave her my name and told her about my websites. I always have my camera with me and I showed her my photos I had taken. 
She is such a sweetheart, once again, we were teary eyed.  It was not busy there and she was able to sit and talk with us like we were old friends. I am hoping she doesnt lose my name and keeps in touch. I would also love to hear from Shantelle. To see how her mother and mothers friend is doing. 
   God works wonders. We never know who we are going to run into, who we are going to touch, Our words, Our life............ to us / me..........  I am nobody but God always seems to send someone to me to if nothing else to put a smile on their face.  I always want to be used by God, I want to learn to be more sensitive to him, He is using my friendliness and gift of gab to meet people and somehow help someone to make it through whatever they are going through.  I am so blessed to have met two of the most wonderful ladies. Shantelle and Bonnie, I love you girls........  your wonderful and 
I appreciate your kindness to me today.  I enjoyed you ladies so very much and will always keep you and your families in my prayers. God will hear your names quite often
and his angels will be watching over you and your families as he has always done. only now there is one more voice calling your names in prayer. 
   praying everyone has a wonderful day, a Blessed week, 
with a very sincere heart


Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Scanning My Leg

Hello Family and Friends, :D
  I am so excited..... Yesterday Brandon from Advanced Prosthetics came by.
Thank goodness for mobile units :D ,  he brought his equipment in,  placed 
saran wrap around my leg, then placed this  large soft pliable rubber stocking 
over my leg, he measured, marked it, then placed a velcro band around it ..
I have to laugh, there was a small square box on this velcro, it kind of reminded
me of a dog collar when they are enclosed in an invisible electric fence :D 
  He took out what I commented on it looked like a radar gun.  In the mean time
he got his computer up and running, then he began to scan my leg,  I actually watched
it come up on the computer.  I could see the computer building it, scanning it, then it 
began to turn and Brandon could see the whole leg. This will be sent to orlando for them 
to make it, then it will be shipped to his office in Mount Dora ( a beautiful quaint town )
there they will put it all together.  May 8th Brandon will be back, he will see what 
adjustments need to be made, take it away again for another two weeks,  and when 
he comes back....... YEAHHHH !!!!!  my leg will be back.....  I cannot tell you 
how excited I am over this.
     I keep telling my mom ...... Dont't sweat the small stuff.........  our life depends
on our attitude, how do we think? Negative? Positive?  Are we Determined or 
Do we give UP? Are we Tenacious?  Are we ambitious?  I do my best to be postive,  it is the postive attitude that will get me through what life throws at me.  It is my Determination that will absolutely
keep me from giving up.  I am like a bulldog :D I am tenacious, I keep on going,  I refuse to 
let wild horses, rain , hail, or things that come my way to prevent me from succeeding in 
doing my very best, if  I do my best...... :D that is all I can do, nothing more, and I sure 
will not do anything less.  Ambition?  I like to think I have plenty of ambition and now
that I have a new lease on life without  pain......... My ambitions can be brought to 
    I wish I would have taken photos of what Brandon was doing, the truth is 
I was so excited, and tired,  :D  I didnt even think about it.  I had an early 
morning Appt with my Surgeon. Eric was not able to take me and I am blessed
to have great neighbors, Jeff took me to the Drs office, wheelchair and all. 
I took him to lunch for taking me. We had sushi, at  ......Wasabi Bar and Grill........
by the time I got home to say the least I was whooped.  Ready for bed yet excited 
about the prospects of Brandon coming to measure my leg.  
   Wishing Everyone a wonderful, Positive , Blessed day..........
looking forward to showing you my leg.  

Monday, April 23, 2012

Last Nights Dream

  Last night was a rough night,  not because of  my amputation but because my son passed 
away March of 2010, just before his 25th birthday.  It really doesnt make any differance
how excited a person is to get  her / his new leg. We have things in our lives that can 
knock us off of our platforms.   The one thing we have to remember is ............
We have to get back up, brush ourselves off and keep on going.  Attitude, Determination
tenacity, all contribute to our healing, mentally as well as physically.  
  They say when you lose someone you love passes away, it gets easier.  It may for them
I however have not found this too be true for me.  My son passed away suddenly and 
I still have melt downs,  I still feel like this is a bad dream.  I will wake up and my son will be here.
   And through all of this........... I still have to live, I still have to go on every day and do the very best 
that I can.  I also tell my self that if Shane were here, he would be proud of me for doing as well as 
I am re: my amputation, my leg, my new prosthetic,  not allowing the surgery to get me down.
    I come from a long line of strong men and women, determined, to do what is right,
determined to always do our best.   That is one things I told my son every day........
Shane , the only thing I ask is you ALWAYS DO THE VERY BEST YOU CAN.........
 There will always be someone who can do better but if you are doing the best you 
can........... that is what counts in the end...
   There is no way I am going to break my promise to shane that this what we do.  
We continue to always do our best.   
Shane I love you with all of my heart.  I wish you were here so you could see
my new leg when it comes.  
  I pray each of you that is going through something to never give up, never
quit,  just keep on going,   be determined,  have ambition, be tenacious,  :D 
These things will get you through.  
have a great day 

Thursday, April 12, 2012


  I have been so excited.  I got my stump shrinker.  I know........  I know......  :D  how can anyone
be excited over a stump shrinker?  I am because that makes me two weeks closer to my new 
  If you are not sure what a stump shrinker is, don't feel bad :D I didn't either.  
A stump shrinker is a very long tube sock open at both ends.  It has a ring in the middle that slides. 
It is compared to a compression sock that is thicker and tighter.  For me it feels good, better than 
the ace bandages.  The ace bandages have uneven pressure and it really doesn't matter how
well it is wrapped.  The stump shrinker evens out the pressure and that feels much better. 
     I have only had it on for three days now.  I found out I wear a size 4.  No that doesnt mean I am
skinny it means my calf is 13 inches.   
    To put it on,  slide one end of the sock over your leg to about 2 inches above the knee
slide the ring  up to make the sock tight,  step 2.....  like a regular sock,  take the top of the sock
and slide it over the other sock until it is the same as the previous.  :D  this sock should be tight.
Your Prosthetician will measure your leg, and decide what size you will wear for two weeks.
  Joe who came to the house for me to sign papers and also to bring me another stump shrinker
explained to me that in less than two weeks it will be falling off, this is normal so don't panic.
     As my stump shrinks I will post photos of my progress.   For me this is a wonderful new journey
it is normal to feel a little depressed, angry, in my case this amputation is at my request.  I needed this to finish living.  With my right shin detoriating,  I could not even walk.  
  It takes determination,  ambition, good attitude,  and most of all,  .........
NEVER EVER GIVE UP................  
 have  a great day and take it one step at a time 

Therapy for all things

  I have found many things to keep my mind occupied and as I call it ....MY THERAPY.......
here is a link to my webshots.  I hope you enjoy watching them or looking at them as I 
enjoyed taking them

Image hosted by Webshots.com
by candynestor

Thursday, March 29, 2012


Good Very Early Morning :D 
  ( as I rub My sleepy eyes)  and yawn :D  

    I am up early this morning and probably will take a nap later.  
The one thing ( out of many  :D )  When a person has any type of surgery,  it is soooooo important to take care of the body that God has blessed us with.  Sometimes we think we are taking care of our
bodies when in reality we are harming it.  
    My gymnastics hurt my body when I thought I was taking care of it.  Since my amputation I have fallen three times.  It is just as strange as the phantom pains.  I lose my balance,  everything seems like slow motion,  yet I cannot seem to grab on to anything.  each time my mind is trying to protect 
my right leg that has the amputation.  I fall in what seems to be fairly gently  :D   I know ..........
I know..... how can a person fall gently?  lol  Well  by the third so called GENTLE FALL, 
it has knocked out my bones and the pain in my neck and back are the same as it was before my surgery.    
    I have a wonderful chiropractor, I firmly believe in them but the only ones that I will go to are the ones who graduated from PALMER UNIVERSITY.  The reason for this is because ,  a while back before Eric and I got together I dated a Professional Golfer. He owned a golf course, taught the high school students in the area and of course adults as well.    He went to a chiropractor and woke up three days later in the hospital.  I know alot of people who have been going to this dr for many years and liked him.  My friends eyes were blurry, He couldn't adjust them ..... they just would not focus properly. 
        One year later, he still could not see as well.  The reason for this is the chiropractor, like many use to  and still do...........  instead of gently pressing the neck bones back into place, they take your head and twist it quickly.   I have been to a couple Drs who did this.  Never again !!!   
        The chiropractors from Palmer University,  use a great technique  they gently massage your muscles in the area and then gently push them back into place and for those who have alot of arthritis or bones that are detoriating, they use this little tool they place in the area and it very very gently it moves those sore bones very slowly. This procedure takes more time because it moves the bones barely to avoid the pain.  I asked my chiropractor one time what that little object was.  My dr explained to me what I described above. When he put it on my back, all I heard was a little click and felt nothing.  
         For me, that would not work, but others come in that the pressing they have to do on me would quite painful for them.  
    My third fall has put me in a postition I need to go back tomorrow.  I always love going and feel so much better when I walk out, but I was going to wait until I got my new leg.
  I wanted to say ......PLEASE DO YOUR BEST TO TAKE CARE OF YOUR BODY....... after all it is the only one you will every have.  This reminds me of the movie......
DEATH BECOMES HER  with Meryl Streep and Goldie Hawn.  Of course we cannot live for ever but the time God has given to us we need to protect and care for what he has given us.  
  Praying all  have a blessed day and praying you are pain free today......... 
Have a wonderful day and upcoming Weekend :D 
sending hugs and prayers  xoxo