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Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Walking In My Time

    Today is the first day of the rest of my life.  :D
I was able to walk all over the house last Sunday.  The rest of the Week my leg would not 
hold me up,  I was not able to walk  : -(   how frustrating.  I did not give up, I kept 
working on it and I am so grateful that I have so many people who support me.  My husband
and my mother kept asking me .......  You walked Sunday whey can't you walk again?  ......
My response was ... I don't know, I only know my knew wants to buckle.   I did not give up.
Today Brandon ( my Prosethist )  came.  I walked for him, he tightened the prosthetic around my 
knee. It feels better.  He also told me I was doing great and whatever I was doing to keep on
doing it.   This is so encouraging.  
    I will not give up and I will always encourage anyone who needs it. It is not just someone who 
cannot walk, cannot see,   This encouragement is and will be for anyone who needs to be lifted up.
Everyone has bad days, everyone needs encouragement sometime in their lives, everyone needs
support.   It is the support of friends and family that get people through their rough days, weeks,
months.  Alchoholics.  anyone with an additcion, or is in pain,  or just having a bad day .....
they / we need support.   
    Just knowing you are there is the most important thing. Truth is sometimes there is 
nothing you can say that will change things or even make them feel better at that time but
deep inside, knowing you are there is very very important......
  Hang in there if you are having difficulties or if you are the one who is giving the support.
Have a wonderful day,  someone is always watching over you and praying for you.
You are never alone.  

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Walking My Way

Finally  : D  
Sunday July 22nd 2012,  I took off walking.   I have been parking my wheel chair or walker
and walking safely to a counter top, the couch or something safe if I should fall.  :D    Sunday
I decided to forget my fears and wobbly legs and walk. I walked from the couch in the living room
to the cabinet in the kitchen, got a bowl out, walked to the stove ... placed dinner in the bowl, walked to the fridge and repeated this process for the veggies.  I could not wait for Eric to get home.
   When he did, I didnt say anything special, I waited.  When He was in the room in the back of the 
house,  I walked back to him.  :D  His back was too me, he commented on how he heard me coming,  
when he turned around I was standing right there in front of him.   He grabbed me, hugged and  we both came very close to crying.  He kept repeating........ I knew you could do it,  I knew you could do it...........  see I told you .... you could do it.  I knew I could and would.  It is scary when your leg is wobbly as I describe....... it feels like Bambi legs or Pinocchios legs when they first stood up.  :D
      Yesterday ( Monday ) I didn't walk as much I was pretty worn out from Sunday.  
NEVER EVER GIVE UP..............  
Praying everyone has a blessed day, be safe and always do your very best.  
Sending gentle hugs to all of those who are in pain....... Mentally, Physically or Spiritually

Monday, July 9, 2012

Good Morning :D  
   Today is monday July 9th 2012.  Outside it is beautiful,  with 50% chance of rain.
Five years ago I was told by my Dr that the reason my bones hurt especially bad that day
was due to the barometric pressure. When It is down it squishes our bones together..when it 
is high it stretches us almost like traction.  I decided to do my own study.  I got a small Journal
and every day I woke up I would write down how I felt then I would look up the baremetric 
pressure. I found that when it was 30.0 good, higher I felt better. When it would hit 
28.0 i was hurting and the lower it went the more I hurt.  
   In doing my research,  I found that even those who have no problems also would ache slightly
their mind would say.... hmmm wonder what I did to hurt ...... the ache was not bad .... just
annoying.  For those of us who have bone problems, arthritis, Osteo Arthritis,  deteriation of bones,
anything to do with the bones, we hurt so much more.  I did this for 6 months every single day.  
   I am a person who may believe what I am being told but I want to find out for myself. 
How does this work? why? what can I do? what can expect?  what should I do? 
what can I learn?   I have a few friends that call me the 
...TFKG......... THIRST FOR KNOWLEDGE GIRL..........  I really do. with all of my surgeries 
I do not retain as much as I use to or would like to.  I find this frutstrating.  It does not mean 
I am going to quit. :D  AW CONTRARE'  my friend,  I will continue to read, study, reread,
restudy,  and keep on keeping on :D .  I learned early in life .......

A WINNER NEVER QUITS AND QUITTER NEVER WINS............   how true this simple
quote is.   I always told my son to be the best he be, what ever he did, give his 100% it may not 
be as good as someone else's but it is his best and that is what is important.   

   When you wake up........ wake up with the attitude ..Today is the first day of the rest of your life.
It is a new day. Being honest will take care of all of the rest.  Your friends will find you trustworthy.
This is something that has to be earned, it does not come easy.  
    Have a wonderful day....... :D  I use to tell the kids in church....... as well as my son
when they were going through rough times....... PULL YOUR BOOT STRAPS UP AND 
KEEP ON GOING..........  NEVER GIVE UP :D.   they knew then and still know 20 yrs later
later I still love them.  Some call me momma Candy. This made me feel good since I moved from 
there in 1991.  Back then, no internet,  it costs too much to make long distance phone calls.  
I lost touch. I have to say Facebook brought us back together.  They are now grown up,
married, have children,  and some are grandparents.  
   I do not always wake up with a good day.  I am trying to strengthen my right leg so I can walk.
It was very weak throughout my life,  my left leg took the pounding, the brunt of all I did.
Now I need the strength to walk with my prosthetic.   As I have shown earlier in photos the 
deformity of my right leg and foot. It was not something I had decided to not use it. 
I broke it trying to land on it from jumping,  I am not complaining.  :D  I am just saying one 
last time........... I WILL NOT GIVE UP :D and neither should you.  
Have a wonderful day My friend